I hear from caregivers and stroke survivors all around the world and it is now not such a surprise to hear that the majority have never heard of 'Mirror Therapy'. Mirror Therapy has been used in rehabilitation centres since the early 1990's to help amputees eliminate 'Phantom Limb Pain' and then with stroke survivors to assist recovery of limb movement and strength. My 'Neuroplasticity Research Group' has published a number of interesting papers that establish and verify its potential in stroke recover. This video will discuss in easy to understand language HOW mirror therapy works.
Mirror Therapy works by sending visual information (from watching the image of the good limb moving in a mirror) up to a stroke survivors' brain to stimulate the brain in a way that makes new pathways (neuroplasticity) occur. This video discusses the current research evidence that is available showing the benefits of 'Mirror Therapy'. It also discusses several theories that describe how it works.
Chapter 15: Seven Years of Good Luck
1. First discovered in 1991, Mirror therapy uses a simple mirror (usually placed between the arms or legs) to create an image or illusion that fools the brain into thinking that the affected arm or leg is moving correctly after stroke.
2. Mirror therapy should be learned and added to any home rehabilitation program because it improves arm, leg, and sensory function.
3. Mirror therapy is believed to work by activating mirror neurons, reigniting or recruiting motor pathways on the damaged side of the brain, and substituting visual for sensory information.
4. The benefits of mirror therapy include the prevention of learned nonuse and the activation of visual and mental practices to stimulate neuroplasticity.
5. Gold standard research evidence comes from well-designed systematic literature reviews that have concluded that mirror therapy has a benefit by improving arm, leg, and sensory function in stroke survivors.