When your stroke survivor is discharged home from a rehabilitation centre or an acute hospital there can be a sense of overwhelming stress and concern that your home will not be an ideal place to undergo your physical rehabilitation. However, this video will discuss the main reasons why your home can be an 'ideal' place with many natural advantages for your caregiver and stroke survivor. The video will give you huge confidence before you start your programme.
Your home possesses many natural advantages for your stroke survivor that will assist them on their journey to receive a physical recovery after stroke but many of these will not be known to your stroke survivor or caregiver. Knowing these advantages will make both caregiver and stroke survivor hugely motivated to undertake a home physical rehabilitation programme and will explain why such a programme has a brilliant chance of success.
Chapter 4: Home Is Where Healing Happens
1. Memories make a house a home, and these memories will flood back to you and give you strength when you are present in your home.
2. All stroke survivors must know two things:
a. They will be able to follow and benefit from a home rehabilitation program.
b. Rehabilitation for stroke recovery is so powerful it can be offered in any setting without sophisticated equipment or technology.
3. There are multiple benefits of rehabilitation at home for a stroke survivor, including these:
a. The physical, emotional, and cognitive effects of stroke can be detected easier.
b. Patients feel more capable and confident in performing tasks.
c. Travel costs and the caregiver’s sense of being overwhelmed are reduced.
d. Stroke survivors and caregivers have improved flexibility as to when to carry out the rehab program.
e. The presence of exercise equipment constantly acts as a reminder to undertake rehabilitation.
f. Problem-solving skills improve, and conscious participation in rehabilitation more frequently takes place.
g. Active decision-making is more likely to be undertaken by a caregiver or the stroke survivor.
h. It is easier to view progress, which in turn improves motivation to continue.
4. One week of professional supervision plus nine weeks of caregiver supervision gives the same results as 10 weeks of professional supervision. This is extraordinary!
5. Do not underestimate the benefit of constantly being around family and friends for maintaining your mental stability and function. Remember that when we enter our own homes, the sights, sounds, and smells that we encounter bring us back to the normality of routines and memories from our lives. In this situation, we produce less of the stress hormone, cortisol, and more of the important winner hormone, testosterone.