Chapter 21: No Regrets


1.       The manual instructions in this book will allow you to confidently supervise a home physical rehabilitation program for your stroke survivor. You will have no regrets in the future, knowing that you did everything you could when you had the chance.

2.       Dr. Kari Dunning tells us that despite the difficulty predicting a stroke survivor’s outcome after physical rehabilitation, one thing is certain. If you do not undertake a physical rehabilitation programme you generally stop recovering.”. The secret of what it takes to physically recover after a stroke is a lot of persistence.

3.       As you supervised a stroke recovery program and understood how to record the changes that were occurring, you moved to a new level of confidence, and you (no doubt) will be asked to give advice and assist with other caregiver journeys based on your success.

4.       To prevent yourself from having chronic illness in the future, it is recommended that adults 18 to 64 years old should complete 30 minutes of moderate physical activity five days a week. Moderate means you can talk to someone while you walk with them, but you can’t sing to them.

5.       Please investigate our Lights, Mirrors, Action website for more useful information that will assist you while you are running this program.